Do You Use Online Transaction System?Know,- What To do If Money Has Been Sent To Stranger's Account During Online Payment

Know,- What To do If Money Has Been Sent To Unknown Account During Online Payment 

Now whole world is being dependable on digital system. And in this lock down all the people, basically the elderly people trying to be use to with digital system. Many of them have to learn new digital transactions (Google pay ,Phone pe, Amazon Pay ect).  And here is the danger of mistakes.

People are using this digital transaction system a lot in various purpose. Whether it is ordering medicines through online transactions or paying various bills like electricity, water or phone, the importance of digital payment is immense today.  In the time of Corona, it has become urgent to transfer money through net banking without going to the bank.  For this, many banks have also introduced quick transfer option.  But what if you make a mistake in transferring money to the account?  If your money reaches another account! 

      Then what to do?

 Inform the bank quickly: If you mistakenly send money to someone else's account while transferring money digitally, inform your bank quickly.  Inform the bank manager by letter and request for a solution.  If you sent money to a stranger by mistake, only the bank can solve it.

Step 2:
 Written Complaint: If your money has been sent to any wrong account, you have to  submit a written complaint to the recipient's bank branch.  The concerned bank will contact the recipient based on your complaint.

Step 3

Legal action: In the most cases the money is returned by strangers.  However, if someone refuses to return the money received from the unwanted transfer, the sender can take legal action if they want.  However, the help of the bank is also needed in this case.
But primarily whenever it will be needed to send money to any other account diditally, every time we must check and verify some information carefully:-
    Those are:-
                                                                  ·         bank account number of the person to whom you want to send mone
·            Phone Number (if needed)
                                                               ·         The IFSC code of the bank account to which the money will be sent
                                   ·         The amount of money and why you are sending it.

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