Too much greed always loads a huge loss|| Wants more than necessity is not good|| easy moral story..

Greedy Farmer and His Goose

Once upon a time there was a farmer who lived in a small village.The farmer was very poor initially.But he had many ducks in his house.One of his ducks would lay a golden egg everyday. He used to sell the golden eggs in the market.After selling the eggs he  suddenly became very rich.

His greed grew more intense and intense day by day.One day the farmer thought that there would be more golden eggs in the stomach of the duck.He also thought that If he cut the stomach, then he could take all the golden eggs and he would become one of the most richest persons in his country.So finally he decided to kill the duck to fulfill his desire.He took a knife and cut the duck's belly for expecting a lot of golden eggs inside. But the situation became worse and was bereft of what the farmer thought to attain.He found only one golden egg in the stomach of the duck.

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Unfortunately the duck died eventually.And the farmer became very sad.He remorsed for his misdeed an sin he committed willingly or unwillingly.Though he did not get his duck or golden egg return further.And it was a judgement to him.

Verdict: Intense desire or greed is the cause of great loss.

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